Guo, Jiun-In Distinguished Professor
Guo, Jiun-In
Guo, Jiun-In
Distinguished Professor
Office: EE-II
Telephone: 03-5131597
E-Mail: jiguo[at]nycu.edu.tw
Personal Webpage:  
Research Expertise
Research Areas:
VLSI design, Digital Signal Processing, Visual Signal Processing, Digital IP design, SOC design
Research projects:
1. Multi-view Video Decoder Design Supporting View Scalability, 2010/8~2013/7
2. ISDRS: Intelligent Safety Driving Recording System and its key technology development, 2011/8~2014/7
3. H.264 video encoder design supporting panoramic video synthesis and video authentication, 2011/8~2014/7
Research Topics:
1. Video SOC for Auto-tronics;
2. Multi-view video processing technology and chip;
3. Energy efficient SOC design;
4. Medical Imaging SOC;
5. Next generation video SOC;
Field of Study